Supported associations
We donate the rest to local organizations in Canada that promote our cause.
A portion of the donations we collect each year are given to an Epic Foundation charity that supports our cause.
In 2024, we actively supported:

Our cause
We believe that all children have the right to the same opportunities from an early age. Academic success and access to education are our priority.
The role of the Group and of each of its companies is to support associations that defend our cause.
“Through voluntary donations, Ficodis Group employees are proud to support associations that assist access to education and academic success.”
Christophe Bévillard, President
We collect donations from employees who can donate an amount free of their choice on each paycheck on a voluntary and anonymous basis.
The Ficodis group matches the amount given by its employees.
Finally, a percentage of the Cromson and Opsial brands’ annual sales are also donated.